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Stargrave Mercenaries
Die Box Stargrave Mercenaries von North Star aus der Serie Stargrave enthält 20 Modelle aus Plastik im 28mm Maßstab.
Die Modelle werden unbemalt geliefert und müssen zusammengeklebt werden.
Some crewmembers are essential to keeping the ship running; others are there to look intimidating and to respond to threats directly, efficiently, and with gunfire. Fortunately, with the end of the Last War, there are plenty of mercenaries, gunslingers, and soldiers of fortune looking for work…
This boxed set offers enough parts to build 20 well-equipped characters for Stargrave, ideal for use in independent crews or as members of the pirate fleets hunting them down. While this kit includes a range of weaponry and a mix of alien and human heads, even more variety can be achieved by mixing in components from other Stargrave boxed sets.
Models are 28mm sized, made of plastic and come unassembled and unpainted.
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